iTunes Match

Apple Music & iTunes Match: What They Do and Their Differences

Apple Music first launched on June 30th 2015 and has since become a top music service choice with 27 million subscribers as of this year. With the free 3 month subscription that Apple offers for for their Music app it's well worth the try, but with there being nearly 94 million iPhone users in America alone it appears not everyone has tried it. It could be because not everyone understands the perks of this service so here are a few important things to know about Apple Music. 

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What is iTunes Match?

iTunes Match is a subscription service that scans a user’s entire iTunes music library and uploads it to the cloud. This means that any Apple device associated with your Apple ID will have access to your complete music library - no matter how large – and it will not take up any of your precious storage space. The phone pictured above would save a whopping 32gb of storage space by using iTunes Match. At only $25 a year, iTunes Match is a tremendous value for those individuals who own small storage devices with huge music libraries.

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