How to Use Multiple Desktops on macOS

The Multiple Desktop feature on macOS allows users to have different applications open throughout multiple desktops. This allows users to not have all applications open in a single desktop, but able to organize them between desktops. In this blog, we will go over the various ways to switch between desktops along with providing a video tutorial on using this feature.


Go to Mission Control

Using the Mouse: Open the Mission Control application. This can be found in Launchpad or in the Applications folder.

Trackpad Gesture: Swipe four fingers up.

Various Ways to Switch Desktops

Using the Mouse: Switch between desktops by clicking on them in the top menu bar.

Trackpad Gesture: Switching between desktops can also be done by swiping four fingers to the right or left on the trackpad.

Keyboard Shortcut: Using the Control key along with the right or left arrow key will also switch between desktops.

Create new Desktops

To create a new desktop, use mission control or the trackpad gesture to go to the list of created desktops. Once here, simply just press the plus (+) key in the top right hand corner.

In all, we hope that this video tutorial helps if you were looking to use multiple desktops on macOS. If you have any questions, please let us know in the comments below. You can also connect with us on Facebook at and on Twitter @CityMacTweets.