App Review: Two Dots

App Review: Two Dots

Two Dots is an awesome, fun and challenging game for iOS. Best of all, it's free. When playing Two Dots, you have to use your brain to think about how one move can affect the moves later on. It’s fun, fast paced and makes you think and try to picture where the dots will move once you make your next move.

How Two Dots Works

In Two Dots, levels start off simple and get more difficult as you progress. There are goals in each level, such as getting a certain color of dots, or other goals all within a certain amount of moves. This is where thinking about your moves is important. For example, if you see two green dots next to each other, you can connect them together and the game counts two green dots as part of your score. Although, if you see four green dots next to each other, connecting them together would be the better move. Even better would be four green dots that are in the shape of a square. When you connect dots in the shape of a square, all of the dots of that color go away and you get points for all of those dots in one move. This helps you achieve the goals while using your moves carefully. It’s always ideal to go for squares, but they don’t always appear.

Using Lives in Two Dots

If you run out of moves, don’t worry as you have five lives to use. Once you use a life, a new life regenerates every 20 minutes. The good thing about this is that if you don't play the game for awhile, when you return you will have a decent amount of lives. The downside to this is that those five lives can go by fast, especially on harder levels. If you really can’t wait, you can purchase more lives as an in-app purchase. Two Dots includes hundreds of levels, for many hours of playing Two Dots.

Two Dots Design

The design of Two Dots is really nice and elegant. It is clean and simple. The clean, basic design of this game is a great complement to the relatively simple concept of connceting dots to earn points.

Download Two Dots for Free

Download Two Dots in the App Store

Download Two Dots in the App Store

Two Dots is a great game that is well-worth playing, especially with a $0 price tag. Give it a try and let us know what you think in the comments below!