How to Install an Application on a Mac

Are you new to owning a Mac? If so, you may be curious about how to downloading and install an application, or program, from the internet. In this video below, we will be going through an example of downloading an application and installing it onto your Mac. For the video demonstration, we will be installing the internet browser Firefox as an example.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Find a piece of software you are looking to download online, for example Firefox.

Step 2: Download the file by pressing the download button on the website you are downloading from.

Firefox Install Screenshot

Step 3: Once the download has completed, open your Downloads folder and double click the .dmg file to install.

Step 4: A window will most likely appear asking you to drag the file into the Applications folder. Simply drag the icon into the Applications folder.

Firefox Install Screenshot

Step 5: Open the application from the Applications folder, Spotlight, or Launchpad, and enjoy.

We hope that this video demonstration and the step-by-step instructions help you if you are wondering how to install an application from the Internet on your Mac. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to leave a comment below. You can also connect with us on Twitter @CityMacTweets, or on Facebook at