Ransomware: What Is It & Am I At Risk?

Ransomware: What is it? Am I at Risk?

What is Ransomware?

On Friday, March 4th, the first case of Ransomware targeted directly at Apple Computers was downloaded by over 6,500 people. Ransomware is malicious software that infects a computer and can then be used to encrypt everything on it until the owner pays a ransom to the hackers who launched the code. This encryption essentially holds a user's data ransom, rendering it unusable and inaccessible until the hacker decrypts the computer.

Where Does Ransomeware Come From?

RansomwareIn the case of the released uncovered Mac Ransomware, the malicious software infected an app distributed by Transmission, an open-source program for a file-sharing protocol called BitTorrent. The user downloaded the infected update for Transmission and their Mac became infected. The ransomware stays inactive for three days, then the owner of an infected Mac finds their files locked up and inaccessible. The user will then be prompted to pay one Bitcoin (about $400 at the time of this writing) to regain access to their Mac. This update was not issued through the Apple App Store, which is rigorously vetted for safety and security by Apple.

What If I Become Infected With Ransomware?

Transmission Releases Ransomware Update

If you find yourself infected with ransomware, or think you might be infected, do not call or give money to any phone number or website that the software may direct you to. Both Apple and Transmission have created solutions to help rid a user's Mac of the Ransomware. Transmission released a new update that will block the malicious software and will remove it from the user's Mac who may have unknowingly downloaded the ransomware. Apple also updated its software protections to keep the malware from affecting other Mac users.

If you are concerned that you may have installed ransomware on your Mac, feel free to stop into any CityMac location. Our certified Apple Technicians can help assist you in the removal of any malicious software for a $25 quick-fix service fee. Still have questions? Leave them in the comments below or reach out to us on Facebook.